Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ready set go!

"ready set go!" always brings a smile to Sophia's (and her papa's) face, and is usually followed by her sprint across the living room, across the grass, or across the couch.  She is a bundle of joy, and it NEVER gets old!

For me, it's ready set go time!  Before friday at PT, we had been working almost 100% of the time on range of motion, and I think we had reached a wall.  So Brandon decided to "dig in," referring to into the muscle attachments of my pectoralis, lat, and trap.  We are about 10 weeks post surgery, and I feel like this muscle work has made the biggest impact on recovery by far.  I could instantly raise my hand straight over head without any pinching, tightness or pain (all of those limited the movement before)---I don't think I could have been any happier!  I also finally got my bike back from the shop after it sat there for 2 weeks waiting for a new crank...I got so fed up with it that I told them to just put a 175mm Easton crank on to replace the 172.5mm crank I was waiting for...ugh!  time will tell if it was a good decision.
Today (saturday) was my first 3 hour ride since the crash (just jumping right back in...maybe not the smartest first ride in 2 weeks!), and I was able to ride for the first time in the aero bars with zero pain, tightness, and I was actually comfortable in the bars!  The clavicle feels strong and I hope this is a permanently good sign!  Now the problem is I have lost all of the endurance I had 3 months ago---at least that's a problem that I can control.  I pooped out about 2 hours into the ride, both from the lack of endurance and the lack of "seat time"---uncomfortable seating set in and made focused pedaling tough!  good news is I will get plenty of seat time from here on out....we are back on the IM training program from Chris!  
Running has been pretty smooth lately as well; I think my shoulder just needs some time to re-adapt to the pounding it takes from running.  For the swim, we'll see!!  I'm going to try it out again this afternoon...hopefully the improvements continue there and then we can really get serious!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Swim Bike Run??

So a week in review once again...still in PT 3 times a week, with the range of motion coming back steadily!  So much to the point that I've made it into the pool for a dip or two!  Swimming breast stroke is hardly swimming to me, but I'll call it swimming today just so it can one of those "steps" along the way.  On my second trip to the pool, I attempted some "Nemo-like" (one finned) freestyle, and I made it about 300 yards using both arms (well, the right arm was at 50% at most), but, I SWAM THIS WEEK!
Not to outdo myself, I also ran this week!  At our teams track session on wednesday, I ran some intervals and was actually clipping along at a 5:45 min/mi pace---it wiped me out after 8 reps of 250m, but the shoulder held up pretty well.  I ran today (friday) as's good to be running again, but I have a lot of work to do! I RAN THIS WEEK!
The only bad news this week was the bike---the bike is in the shop for a week waiting on a new's busted and I'm waiting on the warranty replacement  (Easton crank if you are wondering).  So, just when my riding was feeling strong, down goes my pony...can't win em all, but I'll be back with an even bigger purpose next week!
So, we are 9 weeks post surgery...I'm full strength back on the bike, the running will be coming around fast as long as I don't push it over my limitations, and at least I am in the pool, but I have lots to accomplish in the next 150+ days!  Now I feel confident to say....LET'S GO RACING!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oh Stewardess, I speak Jive

Checking back in after this past weekend (mondays are a part of my weekend by the way as I work T-F).  I rode a total of 4 times in 3 days, with a double on sunday (trainer interval session in the morning with an "easy spin" in the afternoon out on the road).  I totalled somewhere around 115 miles...with me starting to ride more, I am noticing that my legs continue to hold up, but the heart rate is higher now than before the crash--I guess my heart shrunk ;)  

On the shoulder side of things, my range of motion is coming back more and more each week.  We took Sophia to the pool on monday, and I definitely have a long way to go in order to swim free (swam like a cripple! go figure).   I am still at rehab 3 times a week, with home exercises daily (6 exercises/15 reps x 2 each).  Tomorrow is 8 weeks post seems like it was 3 months ago!  I guess with all of the pain in PT, time goes slowly, in addition to watching the spring/summer racing season go by.  I am hoping it was a blessing...I am still on for IM AZ, and as long as I am full strength by July 15, I'll have 18 weeks to train...and I'll be fresh, ready, and with a sense of urgency versus satisfied with where I am had the crash not happened.  July 15 is 6 weeks from tomorrow...time to get the range of motion all the way back!!
By the way, the quote from above:  I just received a free shirt from their shirts are famous movie quotes...I love em and thought I'd spread the word!  (I have 6 of them now, Jenny has a few too!)

Friday, June 4, 2010

We're going to make me into one mean biker!

I am back on my coach's plan--another step in the right direction!  Without being able to run or swim until 3 months post surgery, Chris and I are focusing on the bike (Ironman is all about the bike anyways).  I never really realized how much I enjoy riding outside; I think it is what brought me back to Triathlon (I could never be just a biker---not challenging enough ;).  In a nutshell, I think it gives me multiple rewards:  it get a good workout, I'm out enjoying the weather/views, I get some alone time to ponder my thoughts and "therapize," and it fulfills my need for a hobby in every way (golf just wasn't cutting it).  Even though rides can be exhausting and painful, I always get home refreshed and energized to enjoy family life with Jenny and Sophia.
So I'm going to be on the trainer a couple times a week doing recovery spins and interval workouts (my bike trainer is uses google earth to let me ride anywhere and lets me program in my intervals to the exact workout).   I'll ride on the road 2-3 times a week as well for longer workouts (3-4+ hours).  My setup in the garage is great (TV, trainer with PC software, DVD, industrial fan,...)  but nothing beats the open road and passing other riders.
This weekend's rides: 70+ miles saturday morning with the Tri Scottsdale Crew, including an old neighbor and friend of mine; shorter spin on sunday, and another 70+ ride on monday.  I'll check in after to let you know how it goes!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

On the Road Again... ;)

We are back in business!  I rode 25 miles saturday, 30 sunday, and 35 monday...out on the road!  It was great to get out early saturday morning, although I am discouraged with our group ride from the Village just to get that off my chest. Guys showed up at 5:30am to ride in a group, and one group literally just took off without waiting for a few of the guys or at least asking/telling that they were leaving..oh well, I guess that's why I like riding by myself--and I train better and improve by leaps and bounds when I'm on my "written" workout versus a "let's see who can go faster" workout at redline.
As it turns out, I have made it back just in time to enjoy the heat.  Sundays ride started at 95 and ended at 104...the "eye sweat" burn is something I don't miss.  I think my sweat is more potent than most---judging by the chin strap on my helmet which is white after a few rides this time of year.
I'm slacking on my shoulder range of motion workouts and strength building as well...I think I need to write it here to make note.  I gotta get back on track as the range of motion coming back is up to me, and the strength will allow the range to stabilize---JUST DO IT!
Aside from that, the shoulder is continuing to improve.  The morning tightness, range of motion, and usability is improving...and heck, we are 9 weeks post crash/7 weeks post surgery, so I'm happy to be on the road at this point.  We still have a long way to go before my range of motion and fracture healing allows for the hard impact of running and the swimming motion.