Monday, April 26, 2010

4 Weeks Post Crash...11 Days Post Surgery

4 Mondays ago today I crashed...and my life has done a 180 since then.  I've gone back to my "lazy" days not by choice but  under doctors orders.  In the past few days, my shoulder has become pretty stiff and sore, probably because it's sick of being out of service.  I'm in the Sling all day except for sleeping--I have to because I try to use that arm if it's not immobilized by the sling.  My shoulder is not ready's hard to judge the healing, but I know that moving at this point will only set things back, so I'm forcing laziness ;)  I've improvised at work and can work reasonably well with my all star assistants!   I did do some cardio (bike, stair machine) over the weekend with no's going to be a tough road back when the time comes...but first, I need this right arm to extend over my head!
So thats the update!  I took the tape off the site...nicely done surgery site!
Follow up visit is in 2 days..hopefully some post op x-rays to post.
I'm looking forward to making that full 360!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Looks good! Once the swelling goes down it will look even better!